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  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    In a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world where associations and their members are forced to adapt and respond to change, leaders need more than tactical and technical skills. The same strategies that U.S. Army leaders use to bolster resilience can help associations gain a mental edge and drive innovation.


    In a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world where associations and their members are forced to adapt and respond to change, leaders need more than tactical and technical skills. Melissa Schreibstein, M.S., ACC, leadership coach and resilience trainer for the U.S. Army, will offer strategic planning for the critical mental, emotional, and social elements of workplace performance. The same strategies that U.S. Army leaders use to bolster resilience can help associations gain a mental edge and drive innovation. 

    Looking through the lens of two major theories that underlie resilience and performance science, webinar attendees will be able to:

    • Assess the quality of motivation and the culture of innovation within their organizations.
    • Explore how the Self-Determination Theory of Motivation (Deci & Ryan) and the Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions (Fredrickson) can help set the conditions for an innovative culture.
    • Define tangible strategies they, as leaders, can put into action immediately to establish work environments where innovation thrives.

    CAE Credit: Attendees may claim 1 credit toward their CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

    Melissa Schreibstein, M.S., ACC

    Leadership Coach

    Melissa Schreibstein is a gifted coach and passionate facilitator with a proven track record of empowering people to change their outlook, improve their leadership skills, and conquer their goals. Melissa has more than 12 years of experience helping leaders and performers develop an edge. Melissa honed her passion for helping leaders develop the mental and emotional qualities that underlie peak performance and resilience working as a trusted advisor, trainer, and subject matter expert for the U.S. Army. Whether it’s in the gym, office, classroom, on the field, or on the range, Melissa provides compelling lessons, sound insight, and enthusiastic, strategic support to help clients achieve higher levels of success. 

    Melissa completed certification in Leadership Coaching for Organizational Well-Being from George Mason University, where she also leads the Coach-Mentor program. She maintains an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential through the International Coach Federation (ICF). Melissa studied positive psychology and resilience with a team at the University of Pennsylvania. She has a Master of Science in Kinesiology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Health and Human Services and is also a member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). 

  • Contains 3 Product(s)

    To support a movement towards innovation in leadership, CommPartners along with our experts, Mary Byers, Dave Will and Melissa Schreibstein, have created the Advancing Leadership Webinar Series. This series is designed to help you identify specific tactics to enhance your performance, improve creativity and lead with clarity and conviction.


    Associations increasingly find themselves in a competitive environment where they must continually evaluate their relevance and impact to their communities.  This creates the need to constantly innovate while managing day to day challenges.  Creative thought requires an entrepreneurial mindset and a freeing from the daily grind we all feel each day. 

    To support a movement towards innovation in leadership, CommPartners along with our experts, Mary Byers, Dave Will and Melissa Schreibstein, have created the Advancing Leadership Webinar Series. This series is designed to help you identify specific tactics to enhance your performance, improve creativity and lead with clarity and conviction. We will specifically address how to develop a culture of leadership and innovation, giving you strategies to engage your community and strengthen your resilience.

    Innovation Isn't a Verb: It's a Mindset   with Mary Byers

    August 28th 1-2pm Eastern

    How to Capture Feedback That Can Actually Improve Member Value   with Dave Will

    September 20th 1-2pm Eastern

    How to Leverage Resilience Strategies and Performance Science the Army Way with Melissa Schreibstein

    October 30th 1-2pm Eastern

    CAE Credit: Attendees may claim 1 credit (per live webinar) toward their CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    How can you drive CONTINUOUS FEEDBACK giving you INSIGHT into your members, staff and your board that will help you make more effective decisions in your association?


    You probably use SurveyMonkey and send out an annual survey to members. Maybe you capture feedback after a conference or seminar. 

    Well done. You're listening to your members. BUT... 

    There's so much more you can do to drive CONTINUOUS FEEDBACK giving you INSIGHT into your members, staff and your board that will help you make more effective decisions in your association.

    There's the old way of surveying. And then there's a completely different way to manage feedback. This webinar will walk you through the best way to capture valuable feedback on a regular basis in a way that will allow you to drive greater member value than ever before.

    At the end of this webinar you'll have access to the knowledge and tools necessary to automate continuous feedback from your Members, your Staff and your Board. 


    • What questions to ask.
    • Who to ask.
    • How to put feedback on cruise control.

    CAE Credit: Attendees may claim 1 credit toward their CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

    Dave Will

    Co-Founder & CEO, PropFuel

    While working for SAP, a multi-billion dollar software company, nearly 20 years ago, Dave Will was advised to "walk faster and smile less, because perception is reality". Dave took this feedback to heart and started a business based on the antithesis of this advice. 14 years later, Dave successfully sold Peach New Media, an LMS for associations, which is now part of Community Brands. Since then, Dave and former Peach, Cameron Aubuchon, built a Feedback Automation Platform called PropFuel and they're here again to help associations build a stronger relationship with their members, staff and boards by gaining insight on a frequent and continuous basis.

  • Contains 18 Component(s)

    A mastermind group is comprised of like-minded individuals who discuss topics related to their personal and professional growth. The facilitator will educate, mentor and inspire participants to move their ideas to action. Participants offer peer support and accountability to help each other achieve success.


    Investing in your leadership development.


    Thank you for collaborating with CommPartners to create effective learning environments for Associations. In appreciation of serving members and overseeing their continuing education in an online learning community, we are offering YOU an opportunity to enhance your network through peer leadership.


    What is a Mastermind Group?

    A mastermind group is comprised of like-minded individuals who discuss topics related to their personal and professional growth. The facilitator will educate, mentor and inspire participants to move their ideas to action. Participants offer peer support and accountability to help each other achieve success.


    What is the Facilitator’s Role?

    The facilitator provides practical materials and guides interactive learning.


    What is the Participants Role?

    Participants prepare for and attend sessions with the willingness to learn and readiness to interact in guided dialogue.


    Register TODAY to participate in our inaugural Intentional Growth Mastermind Group


    COST               $199 (regularly $399 - a 50% value)


    PLATFORM     Live sessions conducted via Zoom (Internet Connection and Webcam required)


    DATES             June 12              July 10               August 14               Sept 11


    TIME               12:00 noon – 1:15 pm EDT


    4 Sessions  

    Session #1: Leading ME for My Intentional Growth

    Session #2: It’s All About Relationships & Connections

    Session #3: Creating Ownership and Buy-In in an Association

    Session #4: Time Management with Producktivity®


    Materials will be provided in advance. Participants will complete a reflection journal entry and create a move to action item for each session.

    Provided in partnership with 



    Becky Schwartz Corbett

    President & CEO

    Becky Schwartz Corbett, MSW, ACSW is a national speaker, trainer, and executive coach in intentional growth, leadership & career development, Producktivity®, and The Bridge to Hope & Healing®. She has 27 years of non-profit executive management experience with mission-driven organizations, membership & trade associations, and colleges & universities. Becky was born and raised in New Orleans, and received a MSW degree with a concentration in planning and management and a BS degree in human development and family studies from The University of Alabama (UA). She is President & CEO of BSCorbett Consulting, a John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Speaker, and Teacher, a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers, career services consultant for the UA School of Social Work, and served as Chief Operating Officer of NASW from 2008 to 2013. Becky is fiercely dedicated to inspiring people to lead and helping individuals and organizations move ideas to action. 

    Emily Tevault

    Chief Producktivity® Officer

    Emily Tevault, MBA is the Chief Producktivity® Officer with BSCorbett Consulting, LLC. Emily believes in order to be productive you commit to a process of intentional personal and professional growth. She sees life as a sequence of processes to be identified, created, and made more effective. Emily is a consultant, coach, and trainer in the areas of time management, intentional growth, and project management. She uses her 18 years of nonprofit accounting, finance and management experience with non-profit educational organizations and associations to establish trust, build relationships, and connect the pieces of the puzzle. Emily applies the Producktivity® Principles: Identify. Connect. Organize. in her own life and with her clients to move ideas to action.

    Emily received a MBA with a concentration in finance and a BM in Viola Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music from The Johns Hopkins University. Emily is a John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Speaker, and Teacher and is an approved candidate for the Uniform CPA Examination by the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy. 

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    There’s been a lot of talk about innovation in the association community—and a lot of myths about what it really is. If innovation were easy, everyone would be doing it. Those who innovate lead the pack. Find out how to join the small group of elite innovators!


    There’s been a lot of talk about innovation in the association community—and a lot of myths about what it really is. If innovation were easy, everyone would be doing it. But it’s not—and that’s why you’ll want to join us for this deep dive into what it takes to build an environment that supports innovation and the habits to sustain it. Author of Race for Relevance: 5 Radical Changes for Associations, Mary shares:


    • Practical mindset tips to help you up your personal innovation ante
    • Environmental factors that enable an organization to be more focused on problem-solving
    • The role experimentation plays in innovation
    • Why incremental innovation beats revolutionary strides
    • Case studies about associations that innovate well


    Those who innovate lead the pack. Find out how to join the small group of elite innovators!

    CAE Credit: Attendees may claim 1 credit toward their CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

    Mary Byers, CAE


    Mary Byers, CAE, is co-author of "Race for Relevance: Five Radical Changes for Associations" and "Road to Relevance: 5 Strategies for Competitive Associations." She’s the former director of communications and member services for the Illinois State Dental Society and served in that capacity for nine years prior to starting her consulting business in 1998. Mary specializes in working with volunteer association leaders and chief staff executives to help define their roles and clarify their vision through leadership conference programming, facilitating strategic planning retreats and coaching. Mary is a certified association executive and a member of the National Speakers Association. She is also the author of seven books.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    To increase relevancy and engagement, organizations are creating online conference and event experiences that bring cutting edge content and meaningful conversations to their entire community. The effort to be more inclusive provides the right message to help build loyalty and attract new stakeholders.


    We appreciate conferences to help rejuvenate and inspire us. We value opportunities to share ideas, network and learn from each other.  Unfortunately, due to time or budget restrictions, only a fraction of our community gets to experience these programs. To increase relevancy and engagement, organizations are creating online conference and event experiences that bring cutting edge content and meaningful conversations to their entire community. The effort to be more inclusive provides the right message to help build loyalty and attract new stakeholders.

    In this session, we will explore the benefits of upping your virtual events game to make a real impact on the success of your organization.

    Learner Outcomes:

    •    Understand the value of virtual events and explore real-world examples.
    •    Discuss how webcasts, livestreaming, and virtual conferences can extend your reach, revenue, and impact.
    •    Define the technical requirements for launching a virtual event and how you can implement the latest trends.

    Jill Norris

    Senior Event Producer, CommPartners

    Jill is a seasoned Event Producer that works with clients to ensure their virtual events are executed with precision and expertise. Originally from a little town called Hollywood (Maryland), Jill is a Towson University graduate who plays competitive softball and is an avid Redskins, Capitals and Orioles fan.

    Jon Corun

    Director of Multimedia, CommPartners

    Jon joined CommPartners in December 2008 with a rich background in broadcast television and festival/concert visuals. He uses his passion and creativity for multimedia to enhance CommPartners clients’ webcast experiences.

    Meghan Gowen

    Vice President, Client Development, CommPartners

    Meghan is an Upstate New York Native who graduated from James Madison University. Starting with the company in 2007, Meghan has evolved to be a leader at CommPartners, directing our client development efforts. She enjoys strategizing with clients and exploring new avenues of delivering their online education. Her background working as an Event Producer and Client Development Representative has prepared her well for this position.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Wondering what new and innovative ways other organizations are offering their education? Join Keith and Adrienne Segundo with Limitless Association Solution Resource as they discuss what they see emerging in the education/ certification space.


    Are you like many other association professionals trying to grasp at all the latest buzz words – Micro-Credentialing, Micro-learning, Digital Badges, etc.? Grasp no more – join Keith & Adrienne Segundo with Limitless Association Solution Resource as they discuss with you the emerging trends in the certification/education space.  They will discuss ways to increase the value of your program by incorporating one of these trends and they will provide you with other new and innovative ways other organizations are offering their education. 

    Adrienne Segundo

    COO, Limitless ASR

    Keith Segundo

    CEO, Limitless ASR

  • Contains 9 Product(s)

    Conference Archives

    Take a peak at what you missed at our inaugural user Group Conference- PEAK 2018

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    It’s time to focus on engaging your brain at a higher level. It’s time to think smarter. It’s time to equip your brain with the ability to conquer the complexities of 21st Century work by going full frontal!


    This free webinar is a  sneak peek of our upcoming Peak 2018 Conference session that aligns with Jeff Hurt’s keynote presentation Turbo Charge Your Brain To Maximize Education Programming Gains

    It’s time to focus on engaging your brain at a higher level. It’s time to think smarter. It’s time to equip your brain with the ability to conquer the complexities of 21st Century work by going full frontal!  

    Every day, you use your brain to complete your most important work. A maze of intricate neural networks act as the engine to solve challenges, to innovate, to learn, to plan, to reason, to manage your emotions, to think strategically. These networks connect past experiences and knowledge to today’s challenges.  

    Healthy resilient brains wire and fire across four major lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital.  

    The frontal lobe of your brain acts as the central command center. It links information back and forth across other brain regions. It’s where the executive functions of your brain reside. It’s where you do higher order thinking skills, like decision-making, planning, strategic thinking and more. If you want to work smarter, more efficiently and more effectively, you’ve got to practice going full frontal—leading from your frontal lobes--with transformative thinking. 

    Learner Outcomes:

    After attending this session, the participant will be able to:

    • Identify one full frontal strategy to increase your productivity and enhance your decision-making that leads to a more successful business regardless of your age.
    • Discuss how full frontal SMART Strategies lead to brain health and thus healthy, successful businesses.

    Jeff Hurt

    Executive VP, Education & Engagement, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting

    Jeff Hurt joined Velvet Chainsaw Consulting in January 2010. In 2012, he was recognized as the PCMA Educator of the Year. Jeff has worked in leadership roles with five associations, five government organizations and several companies in the education, events and meetings departments, including Meetings Professionals International and Promotional Products Association International, one of the top 50 shows in the industry.

    He is considered one of the leading authorities in the meetings industry on adult education, conference design, digital events and social media for events and associations. He speaks and blogs frequently about meeting and technology trends, the future of conference education, adult learning and all things meetings at

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    You’ve invested in your LMS with the right design and content, but now what? This webinar will explore how digital marketing strategies and tactics can increase reach, engagement, and retention of your education programs.


    You’ve invested in your LMS with the right design and content, but now what? The truth is, if you build it, they may not actually come! This webinar will explore how digital marketing strategies and tactics can increase reach, engagement, and retention of your education programs. 

     In this webinar we will present: 

    • How to use keywords, search engines and social media to drive exposure
    • Opportunities to monetize your content beyond your current membership/community
    • Quick-win tactics to increase the number of learners accessing your LMS
    • Insights into how other associations are leveraging digital marketing

    Chris Mechanic

    CEO & Co-Founder, WebMechanix

    Chris is co-founder / CEO at WebMechanix, a performance marketing firm that is one of the largest & most respected pure-play digital firms in the mid-atlantic. Chris knows a thing or two about SEO/SEM, search marketing, analytics, copywriting, UX, conversion rate optimization, email marketing, marketing automation, growth / funnel "hacking", CRM, and attribution.

    Chris spearheaded the launch of WebMechanix Academy, a training & certification program that rapidly prepares aspiring marketers for meaningful careers in the field.

    WebMechanix has won all kinds of awards, been a mainstay on the INC 5000 & Chris is a regular on the speaking agenda for conferences & universities all across the country. He was also recently named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist.

    Chris graduated with honors from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at University of Maryland College Park.

    Aubrey Mellos

    Marketing Manager, CommPartners

    Aubrey is the Marketing Manager at CommPartners and is responsible for all things digital. Aubrey is a seasoned marketing professional who has a passion for building strong brands. Aubrey has an MBA from Loyola University and a BS in Business/Marketing from Towson University.

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